Sexual abuse has been a problem within the US Tennis Association or USTA, with numerous allegations and cases of abuse coming to light in recent years. Survivors have criticized the organization for failing to take adequate steps to protect athletes from abuse, and for not doing enough to address incidents of abuse when they occur.

In addition to the high-profile cases of abuse involving Bob Hewitt and Justin Gimelstob, there have been numerous other allegations of abuse within the sport. Some of these allegations involve coaches and other individuals in positions of authority who used their power to sexually exploit young athletes.

The US Tennis Association (USTA) has taken some steps to address incidents of abuse, including creating a Safe Play program to promote safe and respectful interactions among athletes, coaches, and other individuals involved in the sport. The organization has also implemented stronger background checks for coaches and officials, and has encouraged athletes and others to come forward with any concerns or allegations of abuse.

Attorney Robert Allard has played a significant role in holding USA Swimming accountable for sexual abuse within the organization. Allard has represented numerous survivors of sexual abuse in cases involving USA Swimming, and has been a vocal critic of the organization’s handling of abuse allegations.

There is a long history of sexual abuse within USA Swimming, with allegations dating back several decades. The organization has been criticized for its handling of abuse allegations, and survivors have accused USA Swimming of failing to take adequate steps to protect athletes from abuse.

Some of the most high-profile cases of sexual abuse within USA Swimming include:

There have been reports of sexual abuse involving the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) in the past. Like many organizations that work with children, the YMCA has unfortunately had cases of sexual abuse occur within its facilities or programs.

The law firm of Cerri, Boskovich & Allard sued the YMCA of the Silicon Valley in 2014. The case settled favorably for the victims.

The settlement was a significant step forward in holding the YMCA accountable for the sexual abuse that had occurred within its programs and facilities.  The settlement also highlighted the importance of continued vigilance and commitment to preventing sexual abuse and ensuring the safety of vulnerable populations.

Un maestro de música en Adelante Dual Language Academy, Distrito Escolar Alum Rock Union, enfrenta múltiples cargos de abuso sexual luego de su arresto. Israel Santiago, profesor de música, está acusado de tocar inapropiadamente a por lo menos diez estudiantes en el salón de la banda. Adelante Dual Language Academy es una escuela de transición de kínder a octavo grado en el este de San José.

La policía de San José dijo que se hizo una acusación similar contra Santiago en 2014 en otra escuela del distrito escolar de Alum Rock, pero nunca se presentaron cargos. Santiago fue luego trasladado a la Academia Adelante.

Este caso tiene muchas similitudes con un caso que acaba de resultar en un veredicto del jurado de $102 millones contra el Distrito Escolar Unión. En ambos casos, parece que los profesores de música estaban aislados del resto de la escuela y carecían de la supervisión adecuada. Y en ambos casos, parece que hubo varias advertencias de “bandera roja” que podrían haber detenido el abuso de los estudiantes.

Following the sexual misconduct arrest of Del Paso Heights Elementary School teacher Kim Wilson last month, one of his victims is now filing a sexual abuse lawsuit against the Twin Rivers Unified School District.

The San Jose based law firm of Cerri, Boskovich & Allard filed the case in Sacramento County Superior Court on behalf of the now 19-year-old victim.

The lawsuit states that the school district failed in its legal duty to properly screen and supervise Wilson. Wilson, alleges the lawsuit, engaged in highly visible grooming activities and used his role as the head of the school’s broadcast group to isolate the victim in a locked, windowless, padded sound proof room.


LAS VEGAS, NV – Dec. 8, 2022 – A civil lawsuit was filed today against Backstreet Boys pop star Nick Carter for the February 2001 rape of a 17-year-old girl.

The crime occurred following a Backstreet Boys concert in Tacoma, Washington.

The lawsuit was filed in Las Vegas because that’s where Carter lives.

A music teacher at Adelante Dual Language Academy, Alum Rock Union School District, is facing multiple sexual abuse charges following his arrest. Israel Santiago, a music teacher, is accused of inappropriately touching at least ten students in the band room. Adelante Dual Language Academy is a transitional kindergarten through 8th grade school in East San Jose.

San Jose police said a similar allegation was made against Santiago in 2014 at another Alum Rock School District school, but no charges were ever filed. Santiago was then moved to Adelante Academy.

This case has many similarities to a case that just resulted in a $102 million jury verdict against the Union School District. In both of these cases, it appears the music instructors were isolated from the rest of the school and lacked proper supervision. And in both cases, it appears that there were several “red flag” warnings that could have stopped the abuse of students.

The Los Gatos Union School District has agreed to pay a total of $5.1 million to a teenager and an adult who were sexually abused as children by Blossom Hill Elementary School teacher and youth theater director Joseph Brian Houg.

The sexual abuse lawsuit, CV No. 21CV388845, was filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court by attorneys for San Jose-based Cerri, Boskovich & Allard.

John Doe, 13, was sexually assaulted in early 2020; he will receive $900,000. John Doe 2, 23, was sexually abused in 2008-2009 and will receive $4.2 million.

The Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District has agreed to pay a former student-athlete $3.485 million for the sexual abuse she endured for more than three years.

Beginning in 1999, student “Jane Doe” was abused by Los Gatos High School Assistant Track Coach Chioke Robinson, who began grooming her to accept his sexual advances when she was a 14-year-old freshman. The grooming escalated, and Robinson began having intercourse with Jane when she was 15.

Jane’s settlement was negotiated by Cerri, Boskovich & Allard attorney Lauren Cerri.

A recent independent investigation revealed that the U.S. Soccer Federation has been subjecting players to systemic acts of abuse. Following a large-scale investigation with “over 200 players, coaches, owners, and front office staff across former and current USSF personnel and NWSL clubs,” Sally Q. Yates, from the King & Spalding law firm, released a 173-page report that sought to uncover complaints of misconduct, sexual harassment and abuse.

As with previous lawsuits against large sporting organizations, the complaints dealt with players not having their complaints of misconduct taken seriously or ignored. According to the Yates report, several levels of coaches and organizational leaders “created and maintained an environment where “systemic” abuse was allowed to thrive due to a failure to act on player complaints of abuse.” As a result, players of all ages were subjected to various levels of abuse without anyone in the organization willing to help.   

Moving forward, Yates hopes that this will create change within the organization and improve transparency. Yates said, “Our investigation revealed that abuse in the NWSL is not simply about one team, one coach, or one player. It is not even just about the League. Abuse in the NWSL is rooted in a deeper culture in women’s soccer that normalizes verbally abusive coaching and blurs boundaries between coaches and players. The players who have come forward to tell their stories have demonstrated great courage. It’s now time that the institutions that failed them in the past listen to the players and enact the meaningful reform players deserve.” 

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