
USA Swimming Sex Abuse Scandal

An explosive report from the Orange County Register claims that a culture inside USA Swimming allowed the sexual abuse of 600 young swimmers by more than 250 coaches. Investigative reporter Scott Reid, longtime reporter of Olympic sports and one of the first to document sexual abuse inside USA Gymnastics, reports that “USA Swimming board members and coaches were aware of statutory rape cases that occurred during U.S. national team trips to major international competitions.”

The news article also states that “top USA Swimming executives, board members, top officials, and coaches acknowledge in the documents that they were aware of sexually predatory coaches for years, in some cases even decades, but did not take action against them.”

100s of USA swimmers were sexually abused for decades and the people in charge knew and ignored it, investigation finds

There are many people still working at USA Swimming who are responsible for the repeated misrepresentations about and covering up for knowledge of pedophile coaches. This list begins with Susan Woessner and Pat Hogan. Stunningly, none of these individuals to our understanding have received any negative employment action for their bad behavior.

Mr. Hogan supplied a glowing employment recommendation for his friend, admitted pedophile and former National Team Director Everett Uchiyama to a local swim club where he had access to countless children.

As a result of the legal work done on behalf of USA Swimming victims, attorney Robert Allard is part of a team that has turned over documents to a Congressional committee investigating the role of the USOC when it comes to sexual abuse inside USA Swimming and USA Gymnastics. Some of our documents led to the first Congressional investigation into the affairs of USA Swimming by Congressmen George Miller.

If you have been a victim of coaching sexual abuse, contact our sexual abuse attorneys at the law firm of Cerri, Boskovich & Allard. You may call 408-289-1417 for a confidential and free consultation.


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