
Burn Injuries After a Truck Accident

Truck accidents are among the most devastating incidents on California roads, often resulting in severe injuries, including life-altering burns. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious burn injury after a large commercial truck accident, you must understand the long-term consequences and the true costs associated with your recovery before you agree to any settlement offer.

At Cerri, Boskovich & Allard, we can evaluate your case and help you determine the true extent of your injuries and damages. Never sign anything before talking to us first!
Severe Truck Injury Burns: A Life-Changing ExperienceCommercial truck accidents can result in severe and life-changing burns. Severe burns, classified as third-degree or fourth-degree burns, can cause extensive damage to the skin, muscles, and even bones. These injuries are not only excruciatingly painful but also require immediate medical attention and long-term care.

After a truck accident, burn victims may face a long road to recovery, involving multiple surgeries, skin grafts, and extensive rehabilitation. The physical pain associated with severe burns is immense, and the healing process can be slow and arduous. Victims may require multiple surgeries to remove damaged tissue and replace it with healthy skin through skin grafting procedures. These surgeries can be painful, and the recovery process can take weeks or even months.

In addition to the physical challenges, burn victims often face significant emotional trauma. The scarring and disfigurement that can result from severe burns can lead to feelings of self-consciousness, anxiety, and depression. Many burn survivors struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and may require ongoing psychological support to cope with the emotional impact of their injuries.
The Financial Burden of Truck Accident Burn InjuriesThe cost of treating severe burn injuries can be astronomical. According to the National Business Group on Health, the average cost of a hospital stay for a burn victim is $24,000 per day. This figure does not include the cost of long-term care, rehabilitation, and potential lost wages due to the inability to work.

Burn victims may require extensive medical treatments, including:

  • Emergency medical care and transportation
  • Hospitalization and intensive care
  • Surgical procedures, including skin grafts
  • Pain management and medication
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Psychological counseling and support
  • Home modifications and adaptive equipment
The cumulative cost of these treatments can easily reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars. For many California burn victims and their families, the financial burden can be overwhelming, especially if the victim is unable to return to work due to their injuries.
Holding Negligent Parties Accountable After a Truck AccidentIn many cases, severe burn injuries resulting from truck accidents are caused by the negligence of the truck driver, trucking company, or other parties involved. Negligence can take many forms, such as:

When negligence is a factor in a truck accident, burn victims have the right to seek compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, building a strong case against negligent parties can be complex and time-consuming.

This is where an experienced truck accident attorney at our law firm can make a significant difference. Our attorneys will investigate the accident, gather evidence, and build a compelling case to demonstrate the negligence of the responsible parties. They will also work with medical experts to assess the full extent of your injuries and the long-term costs associated with your recovery.
Contact Our California Truck Accident LawyersIf you or a loved one has suffered a severe burn injury in a California truck accident, it is essential to take action as soon as possible. The experienced truck accident attorneys at Cerri, Boskovich & Allard are dedicated to fighting for the rights of burn victims and their families.

Our team has a proven track record of successfully handling complex truck accident cases and securing substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that severe burn injuries can take on victims and their families, and we are committed to providing compassionate, personalized representation every step of the way. Don't wait to get the help you need. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Client Reviews

“Working with CBA has been a truly remarkable experience. They exude genuineness, openness, and transparency, transforming a challenging situation into a positive one. Lauren, in particular, consistently displayed empathy, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment throughout.”

Jane Doe v. San Francisco Unified School District

Jane Doe

“Every step of the way, Lauren gave me hope when I felt hopeless, and she gave me help when I felt helpless. Lauren was the attorney who I knew was in my corner, and she will undoubtedly continue to be in the corner of survivors to hold their abuser and institution accountable.”

Jane Doe 2 v. East Side Union High School District

Jane Doe 2

“What happened to me needed to be addressed. I missed out on such an important part of my life, while my institution made no qualms. You don’t get to push kids under a rug. I’m glad I was given an opportunity to address my broken life.”

Jane Doe v. Saratoga–Los Gatos Union High School District

Jane Doe
“My family and I were so thankful for the law services and guidance received during a very emotional and challenging time; the care, sensitivity and professionalism with which our case was handled provided us with a sense of calm, clarity and confidence that we could not have navigated on our own or for each other.” Mary Doe
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